General Theory & Use
Breaking Out of The Deterministic Treadmill
Quantum kittens uses the indeterminate nature of the quantum world in order to provide a framework for altering one's thoughts such that new ideas and mental concepts which are outside the domino-like determinism of the typical trains of thought we normally experience.
Free Will in A Deterministic Universe
Overview of The Theory
When truly random data is injected directly into a deterministic system, the moment the data is introduced into a deterministic framework, the deterministic system begins to change. This introduces a lifetime for the random data and the question of stale data.
The argument of free will is a never-ending battle which has been raging for thousands of years. However, we know that we live in a deterministic world. Most of the physical sciences and their theories are anchored in this fact. If some event happens in some specific and measurable fashion, we can predict with absolute certainty things will unfold. And many materialist and determinist have extended this to the mechanics of the human brain and mind.
Such an individual might say that if we knew the exact state of every neuron, atom, and field in your brain, and if we knew the exact state of everything in your environment; the laws of our deterministic world tell us that we could predict all of your thoughts and actions with absolute certainty. Even with this knowledge, many of us feel as though we have some level of free will and personal control over our own actions.
QuantumKittens uses QRNGs (Quantum Random Number Generators) to generate truly random, quantum data in real time. The probablistic nature of the quantum world allows us to extract data that is not derived nor dependent on previously detectable events.